I listened intently, thinking, this is going to be good today! He always has interesting thoughts,ideas and sources for webbies,(that's my jargon for internet addicts), which I am proud to admit to. Anyway, back to the subject at hand.
He always gives lots of great information on motivation, growing a business, and tools to make you a success. I always am eagerly awaiting the new cast, so when he announced his topic of the day, Cost?! I kind of paused for a second, and thought, did I hear that right? Cost? What was he talking about? Boring! I think he knew what kind of a reaction he would get, so he just asked us to bear with him for a moment, so he could explain.
So, I figured, I owe him a moment. Well, it turned out to be 21 minutes of great wisdom and ways to think about cost you probably didn't know about. Let me tell you my story and what I learned.
First, he talked about taking action or inaction and what that cost. Well, I guess I don't need to go into great detail about that. What happens to you as a result of taking certain actions, positive or negative to get you to a place in your life? You know what? I started listening.
I started thinking about some of my actions and how much it cost me. In terms of my investment, it was losing 68 pounds. It made me thankful, taught me some truths about myself, and I had a wonderful sense of accomplishment and freedom. I felt like I finally got that 'monkey off my back'. You know what else? I became a Certified Health Coach because of my actions. It also allowed me to be loved. I found my soul partner. He looks like Paul Newman did 30 years ago. He's funny and sensitive and he loves me! I know that sounds mushy, but ain't love grand?
How about you? I'd like to know what you accomplished and what it meant to you? Would you share your thoughts, feelings, actions, how you went about it? Seriously, put some thought into it. How does cost apply to your life? It obviously doesn't have to be about weight loss or health.
Being that I am a Health Coach, I started thinking about choices people take to lose weight or take inaction and not do anything. Something I learned is, we are always paying a price either by taking an action to get results or inaction and remaining stuck in the weight loss maze.
What happened because you didn't accomplish your weight loss plan and how did you feel? How did you deal with it? What steps did you take to get back on track or are you still stuck? I'd like to know.
Do you feel like you are stuck or can't get anything done or nothing goes right for you? Do you feel like you are unlucky in life? Do you feel like you are a big fat loser?
Then he really hit home when he said, we all have one thing in common, time. The same amount of time. Let's all face it, there are twenty-four hours in everyone's day. We can't beg, borrow or steal more time. Are you being consistent and persistent with your twenty-four hours of time? You are either taking action or not. Can you imagine how great it would feel to not waste any more time trying to lose weight?
What are your rewards or cost for investing in yourself? How much are you going to spend on yourself in terms of time and resources to get you to that spot your dreams are made of? How much time are you willing to waste? How much time have you wasted?
Are you going to stop abusing yourself and are you going to stop abusing the resources that are within you to reach your goal?
One more thing. We had an earthquake in our part of the globe today. Know what else? I got it!