Let me give you some more nuggets on my fat loss journey. Obviously we are discussing people that have an emotional attachment to food. Of course, there is much more on diet and weight loss, which I will be talking about in future blogs.
Right now, though, let's get to the current subject and that is what it takes to lose weight, and not fail again.
This concept applies to all aspects of diet, weight loss, and a healthy lifestyle. It is aimed today, at the person who has struggled and can't quite get it right. It's quite alright to struggle, I think. If you are learning and applying those lessons. I am just pinpointing precise areas of dealing with failure and weight loss today. So, let's begin.
Another important concept is having faith. Let's understand what that means. In the dictionary faith means 1.)Confidence or trust in a person or thing. 2.) An obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, ethics, etc.
Those are some pretty strong descriptions of what faith is.
If you believe in God, he expects and requires that you are faithful to Him.
My question to you is, are you faithful? Are you faithful to yourself, your dreams and your weight loss plan? If you aren't, do you think you need to learn it? I did. It worked. I learned to believe in myself and I educated myself with thoughts, ideas and suggestions that made me feel more confident and able to trust myself.
It wasn't a simple or easy process. I made mistakes. One big one was to stop beating myself up whenever I backslid or didn't lose enough weight for that week.
I used to stress out big time if I messed up. Even if I didn't mess up, I would put so much pressure on myself. I stopped doing it. It wasn't accomplishing the task at hand. I started trusting in me.
It didn't matter if I made a mistake. I learned from it. That was the most important part. If what I was doing wasn't working, then I would tweak it. A good example is eating bread. I ate 2-3 slices of whole grain bread daily. I thought with my workouts of cardio, yoga, pilates, etc., that would still allow me to lose weight. Not so oh great Health Coach! I started reading more and more about carbs, which types work, about insulin resistance, and how whole grains can really cause major health issues, especially with weight.
So, I changed. I am sure you are aware of the sunsets that happen everyday, yet no two are ever alike. They are constantly in transition. We are part of nature, therefore we are allowed to change. If something isn't working for you, try something different.
I cut back to 1-2 slices a day with protein, filled in carbs with veggies and a few fruits, and viola! The weight started going in the right direction. Just don't get stuck, remain flexible, move forward, don't stress out and above all else, have faith!

Right now, though, let's get to the current subject and that is what it takes to lose weight, and not fail again.
This concept applies to all aspects of diet, weight loss, and a healthy lifestyle. It is aimed today, at the person who has struggled and can't quite get it right. It's quite alright to struggle, I think. If you are learning and applying those lessons. I am just pinpointing precise areas of dealing with failure and weight loss today. So, let's begin.
Another important concept is having faith. Let's understand what that means. In the dictionary faith means 1.)Confidence or trust in a person or thing. 2.) An obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, ethics, etc.
Those are some pretty strong descriptions of what faith is.
If you believe in God, he expects and requires that you are faithful to Him.
My question to you is, are you faithful? Are you faithful to yourself, your dreams and your weight loss plan? If you aren't, do you think you need to learn it? I did. It worked. I learned to believe in myself and I educated myself with thoughts, ideas and suggestions that made me feel more confident and able to trust myself.
It wasn't a simple or easy process. I made mistakes. One big one was to stop beating myself up whenever I backslid or didn't lose enough weight for that week.
I used to stress out big time if I messed up. Even if I didn't mess up, I would put so much pressure on myself. I stopped doing it. It wasn't accomplishing the task at hand. I started trusting in me.

It didn't matter if I made a mistake. I learned from it. That was the most important part. If what I was doing wasn't working, then I would tweak it. A good example is eating bread. I ate 2-3 slices of whole grain bread daily. I thought with my workouts of cardio, yoga, pilates, etc., that would still allow me to lose weight. Not so oh great Health Coach! I started reading more and more about carbs, which types work, about insulin resistance, and how whole grains can really cause major health issues, especially with weight.
So, I changed. I am sure you are aware of the sunsets that happen everyday, yet no two are ever alike. They are constantly in transition. We are part of nature, therefore we are allowed to change. If something isn't working for you, try something different.

I cut back to 1-2 slices a day with protein, filled in carbs with veggies and a few fruits, and viola! The weight started going in the right direction. Just don't get stuck, remain flexible, move forward, don't stress out and above all else, have faith!