Now, I think is the time to take this to the next level. I have given you some inside work to do like belief and faith. These are very important to have an understanding of how deep the fat cells go. 
It isn't just a matter of getting up in the morning and saying, well, I guess I am going to lose weight. Why do I say that? Simply stated, if it was that easy everyone would be doing it and have success at it.
The deep inside work of belief and faith need to be worked on and arrived at in a place and time that you totally understand and accept it. You need to know that these two aspects of weight loss need to be in place, so you don't fail...again!
When you have these beliefs in working order, then the next step is applying these thoughts into action. This is accomplished through the subconscious. I like to use nature as a point of reference because everyone is part of nature and can relate to it on some level. As natural creatures, we have absolute control over what our minds receives through our senses. Don't you agree? We have the power of choice and the capacity to change if we so desire. The problem is, a lot of us don't do it or don't know how. I feel that is an important aspect of diet and weight loss failure.
I figured that out through trial and error. If I started getting negative with not accomplishing my goals, I would begin to back track or get side tracked. A great example for me that I can share with you, so you can understand how this works is when I would get on the scales.
Image via WikipediaIf I wasn't where I thought I should be, and the scales weren't going down, like I thought, then oh boy, would I go into a tailspin.
You figure, you watched what you ate, you exercised, and no weight loss. Talk about frustration, disappointment, and discouragement!
Now, I came to realize, that if I stuck to my guns, approached it more from the standpoint of my natural body making adjustments to diet, hormones, stress, new foods, and muscle being made, I could then take a more optimistic approach. So, what if I didn't lose weight that week. My body was doing what it was supposed to and all the negative talk was not going to change those numbers on that scale!
Now, this is what I did and I respectfully request that you try this. Remember, it worked! If it's not working for you and if you have failed repeatedly then time to try something different.
This is another tool I used to lose 68 pounds. First, I would close my eyes and think about how it felt to be in shape. I mean the heartfelt, the stomach excitement, wearing a great pair of jeans, being free from fat prison, kind of thinking. I pretended like I really was that size. It's a good idea to think about the amount of weight you want to lose, as well. It gives you something to shoot for.
What do you need to sacrifice to get it? Yes, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes. If you can't commit to that, then go back to the belief and faith,look at what that means, the definitions, and what needs to be in place.
Give yourself a date, so you have a goal. It helps to clarify it in your mindset. It gives you a course of action. Next, you need to make a plan to achieve your desired results. This includes a diet, exercise, stress management system, getting the rest you need, and some extra supplements, if needed.
You need to visualize it, taste it, see it, feel it, experience everything and every feeling and outcome of achieving your weight loss. It will begin to seep in to your subconscious and the seeds of change will be planted and you will have the desires of your heart.
For me, the most important aspect of this was consistency. I didn't have to be perfect. I just needed to stay focused and keep visualizing what I would look like, how I would feel, and what that meant to me. How important is it for you? What do you want? How much are you willing to commit or what are you willing to sacrifice? Would you really dig deep inside and take the time for yourself, once a day, to visualize, feel it, sense it, trust that you will accomplish your weight loss?
You must be very passionate about it.
Think about how you felt when failure was your friend. It felt more like a betrayal, didn't it? Now, think about finally succeeding. You absolutely need to change your thinking. Don't think about what you don't want. The key here, is to concentrate on what you do want, what you have desired for so very long.
Don't dwell on past mistakes, but concentrate on moving forward. Think about that for a moment. Conjure up an image of failing at something for a moment. Doesn't that just change your mood, you thoughts, your general outlook. Now, concentrate on something fun, exciting, and happy. It's a totally different feeling. It worked for me and I know it will work for you if you practice it, just like anything in life, if it's important to your joy in life, it's worthwhile.

It isn't just a matter of getting up in the morning and saying, well, I guess I am going to lose weight. Why do I say that? Simply stated, if it was that easy everyone would be doing it and have success at it.
The deep inside work of belief and faith need to be worked on and arrived at in a place and time that you totally understand and accept it. You need to know that these two aspects of weight loss need to be in place, so you don't fail...again!
When you have these beliefs in working order, then the next step is applying these thoughts into action. This is accomplished through the subconscious. I like to use nature as a point of reference because everyone is part of nature and can relate to it on some level. As natural creatures, we have absolute control over what our minds receives through our senses. Don't you agree? We have the power of choice and the capacity to change if we so desire. The problem is, a lot of us don't do it or don't know how. I feel that is an important aspect of diet and weight loss failure.
I figured that out through trial and error. If I started getting negative with not accomplishing my goals, I would begin to back track or get side tracked. A great example for me that I can share with you, so you can understand how this works is when I would get on the scales.

You figure, you watched what you ate, you exercised, and no weight loss. Talk about frustration, disappointment, and discouragement!
Now, I came to realize, that if I stuck to my guns, approached it more from the standpoint of my natural body making adjustments to diet, hormones, stress, new foods, and muscle being made, I could then take a more optimistic approach. So, what if I didn't lose weight that week. My body was doing what it was supposed to and all the negative talk was not going to change those numbers on that scale!
Now, this is what I did and I respectfully request that you try this. Remember, it worked! If it's not working for you and if you have failed repeatedly then time to try something different.
This is another tool I used to lose 68 pounds. First, I would close my eyes and think about how it felt to be in shape. I mean the heartfelt, the stomach excitement, wearing a great pair of jeans, being free from fat prison, kind of thinking. I pretended like I really was that size. It's a good idea to think about the amount of weight you want to lose, as well. It gives you something to shoot for.

What do you need to sacrifice to get it? Yes, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes. If you can't commit to that, then go back to the belief and faith,look at what that means, the definitions, and what needs to be in place.
Give yourself a date, so you have a goal. It helps to clarify it in your mindset. It gives you a course of action. Next, you need to make a plan to achieve your desired results. This includes a diet, exercise, stress management system, getting the rest you need, and some extra supplements, if needed.
You need to visualize it, taste it, see it, feel it, experience everything and every feeling and outcome of achieving your weight loss. It will begin to seep in to your subconscious and the seeds of change will be planted and you will have the desires of your heart.
For me, the most important aspect of this was consistency. I didn't have to be perfect. I just needed to stay focused and keep visualizing what I would look like, how I would feel, and what that meant to me. How important is it for you? What do you want? How much are you willing to commit or what are you willing to sacrifice? Would you really dig deep inside and take the time for yourself, once a day, to visualize, feel it, sense it, trust that you will accomplish your weight loss?
You must be very passionate about it.
Think about how you felt when failure was your friend. It felt more like a betrayal, didn't it? Now, think about finally succeeding. You absolutely need to change your thinking. Don't think about what you don't want. The key here, is to concentrate on what you do want, what you have desired for so very long.
Don't dwell on past mistakes, but concentrate on moving forward. Think about that for a moment. Conjure up an image of failing at something for a moment. Doesn't that just change your mood, you thoughts, your general outlook. Now, concentrate on something fun, exciting, and happy. It's a totally different feeling. It worked for me and I know it will work for you if you practice it, just like anything in life, if it's important to your joy in life, it's worthwhile.